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Public opinion of compensation lawyers

I really did not think it possible for the reputation of compensation lawyers to get any worse but Russell Keddies latest antics have managed to bring it down"to a whole new level" as the Americans like to say. 

He steal from his clients through overcharging for years then when about to be defrocked he resigns as a lawyer and hands his assets over to his wife and goes bankrupt in order  to avoid them being taken from him.

Not much chance of that anyway I'm guessing because it would require the help of an honest diligent compensation lawyer from another  firm . Good luck with that as they say. I noticed Slater and Gordon swallowed up what was left of Keddies including making one member a full partner with no trace of indigestion .

Neither does the governmant seem interested in relieving him of the proceeds of crime as they do with drug dealers in a flash . Must be some sort of honour, or at least professional courtesy, among thieves. 

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