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Speed camera revenue is more addictive than crack

It doesn't seem to matter what governments promise or how embarrassing and damaging to their credibility the back flip is , once governments get a taste of the  easy revenue that speed cameras bring them they are hooked for life .  Like parking fines for councils they become dependent on it . Rehab is out of the question .They tell you they can't give it up because it is now built into the budget and or course they soon find they have to keep upping the dose to get the same  buzz. 

The O'Farrell  government are the most shameless junkies to date . After promising a major cutback in their pre-election propaganda they are instead going to increase the number and use of cameras many times over. The story that all the money will go towards road safety is about as convincing as the average doper's that this is going to be his last hit and he is going cold turkey tomorrow . 

You see more dignity and self control from refugees surounding the first UN food truck to turn up in their camp.  

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