My Stream It's what I'm up to...

We really must be the lucky country.

We really are so lucky as a country because whenever we fall by the wayside  there are groups like The US State Department (see link) , UNESCO, Amnesty, Greenpeace , PETA, NOW etc etc always happy to take time out from there busy schedule to tell us where we are going wrong. 

This is especially true in relation to the treatment of our aborigines .  The first three groups (and let's not forget Sir Bob Geldoff) are all so learned on the subject I feel sure if we just took the advice of any of them to heart we would have an endless supply of doctors and lawyers and engineers and CPA's to call on instead of the just a mass of alcoholic welfare recipients  to look after . 

Who better too to helps us sort through the minefield that is human rights than the US State Department particulary if you adhere to the "It takes a thief to catch a thief "adage . 

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