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Forget BullyCheck what we need is RealityCheck

It seems BullyCheck is now the latest buzz word for the PC clowns NSW Liberals included.

The story is that NSW clubs want to be able to find out if prospective employees have ever been discribed as bullies at school and if so not employ them .

Just what are these people on? 

For starters if applied 10 minutes later the lawsuits would start based on loss of earnings from those denied jobs on this basis .

Secondly there is the general issue of the definition of 'bullying" be so wide as to include any activity less enthusiastic than astanding ovation every time the "victim" walks into a room .

Thirdly there is the general practice in the legal system that childhood indescretions are kept secret because they are considered just that -childhood indescretions.

The only legimate use for this check would be for prospective   lawyers , politicians,journalists and of course union officials  where skill and practice at bullying iare  vital ingredients for success . 

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