My Stream It's what I'm up to...

Pull my other leg Barry ,it whistles

Are your excuses for scapping rego stickers a test to see just how gullible the electorate is? Because they are so unlikely and outlandish they would make a union rorter blush.

To make the NSW more tourist friendly ? To stop hire cars being off the road fo 1/2 a day ? 

Now I realize politicians with their hire cars and their lackeys probably don't have to change rego stickers for themselves or they would have noticed with the new style of stickers it is barely a two minute job but it is still about as likely as someone else buying hookers on Craig's card.

I don't know the real reasons . Are they getting too easy to copy and fake with modern colour printers and you don't want the word getting around are further? Are you trying to catch people out driving out of rego cars for the fines?  Are you setting up a high priced register where we have to pay to find out when rego is due on a car we wish to buy ?

It is all so bizarre . Has May the 24th become the the new April Fools Day ? Are the NSW government and the RTA all on crack? 

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