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What has our government got against Mexicans?

What's wrong with Mexicans ? This and previous federal governments have scoured the globe looking for violent criminals to offer sanctuary to to come and live in Australia . They have taken malcontents and criminals from all over  the Middle East , from Africa, from Eastern Europe from the Pacific Islands   and cheerfully provided them with the Centrelink safety net until they can become fully operational here and even afterwards so they can show a visible source of income . 

However why do they continue to neglect Mexico who clearly have some of the most brutal criminals in the world in their drug trade ?

Where are the maraichi muggers, the sombrero hatted car jackers, the hispanic home invaders, the Mayan Monsters bikie chapters?  Nowhere to be seen I say !! In fact there seems to be a real dearth of South American gangsters here generally which surely    is discrimination of the most henious  kind. I am surprised and of course hugely disappointed there is  not a devout band of activist lawyers pushing for their right to reek havoc in good old Downunder too. Come to think of it why have the UN or Amnesty or PETA  not been demanding change on this very matter?  Where are the Angelina Jolies and the George Clooneys ?

Surely there is a turf in south western Sydney and of couse in our hearts for a few Hispanic Homeboys as well ...surely.   


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