My Stream It's what I'm up to...

What is the point of US presidential elections?

The US is no longer a democracy. All those conventions and even the voting is just for show -to keep the peasants entertained and distracted while  they get thoroughly screwed over. 

America is now an oligarchy based in Wall Street not Washington. The GFC in 2008 and its disgusting aftermath has made it clear the bankers now make all important decisions and Obama has been just as happy to get into bed with them once the haggling over price has been sorted out as were his Republican successors .

Speaking of "hookers " I found out the origin of the term today and it is American. During the Civil War a General Joe Hooker had such a fondness for his army's camp followers they became known as "Hooker's girls"   and eventually just "hookers. " 

Sadly democracy is looking more and more like a passing stage. Its birthplace Greece has been reduced to a country of irresponsible selfish bludgers and crooks ,to mean and dishonest to pay their way  and perfectly happy to burden future generations with the tab for thier hijinks . Meanwhile the US once the finest example of democracy in action is well on its way to financial collapse and perhaps even revolution as a result of the limitless greed of the bankers who make the Russian oligarchs look like petty criminals in comparison and the craven cowardice of those elected to protect the powerless. 

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