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I't's all about the hookers

Apparently according to the Fair Work Australia report ,Craig Thompson has stolen close to $500000 from the Health Union .

God knows how many million Michael Williamson (ex National President of the ALP) current head of the HSU  has probably stolen from the same union but where is the outrage on behalf of the longsuffering union members? - practically non existent from the Labor Party at least . A bit of tut tutting from Bill Shorten but still it is mostly the sort of drivel from Anthony Albanese about how a man is innocent till proven guilty   and certainly no problem getting his Labor mates to pick up the tab for his legal bills (out of other union members pockets not their own of course.)

The party has apparently known about this greasy crook in their ranks for years .Probably at least 4 as the Fair Work Australia  inquiry ran for 3 and you can bet there was no hurry in getting that started in the first place.  Graeme Richardson warned the head office about preselecting him again 2 years ago but they chose to ignore him despite by now being well aware he was a scoundrel . 

The Oppostion wants to bring him down largely to reduce the Governmant majority rather than seek justice for the union members robbed - I suppose they are Labor voters anyway so who cares?

No the only genuine outrage anywhere seems to be over the $4000 he spent on hookers, and that folks is pretty much just envy. 

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