My Stream It's what I'm up to...

Parliament ,James and don't spare the horses.

No wonder the journey from union boss to MP is such an easy and oft travelled road -it is funded in large part by union money. With a pretty safe seat to start with and plenty of union money to grease the wheels and the palms it is members' lounges and first class all the way. We now know this because the Australian Electoral Commission has given the OK to almost all the $200,00 Craig Thomson took from the Health Union trough to fund his campaign. It is apparently Ok because this money was declared as being used for this purpose in the union books so you can bet your steel capped Blunstones this is what they all do. 

Just watch for the next steep decline in union participation as more long suffering workers come to the painfull conclusion that their fees are just a slush fund for the "bosses"  in the ALP to use for their own benefit.

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