My Stream It's what I'm up to...

Poofter bashing ain't what it used to be.

I have never liked gay bullying either directed at gays as it was in the old days or more recently coming from homosexuals directed at anyone who does not whole heartedly support their lifestyle and at the moment anyone who opposes same-sex marriage.

Now while I am not a member of "it's an abomination in the eyes of the Lord" school I am old fashioned enough to think homosexuality is an aberration rather than a lifestyle choice to be celebrated . On the other hand what consenting adults people do in the privacy of their own homes is nobody's business but their own -certainly not mine. 

As for same-sex marriage I am again old fashioned enough to think marriage should involve a couple of different sexes . I understand others have different views on this and that is fine but I in turn do not feel I need to defend this view to anyone least of all someone with a vested interest   in changing the law for their benefit. This is nothing less than bullying and I strongly disapprove of it.

Mind you the argument "why shouldn't they suffer along with the rest of us " as put forward by Patrick the other day does have some merit.


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