My Stream It's what I'm up to...

The ABC's relentless efforts to promote the untruth.


I suppose you have to admire the relentless way the ABC promotes its party line. Aside from the obvious picking of the stories it chooses to report in the first place it uses all the tricks to give it the slant they want.

One of my favourites is the  line “There are calls for….”   without bothering to name who from let alone why they might know anything authoritative on the subject.

Another  classic of theirs is to report the story eg  “ Green’s Senator beats her cat to death with a tyre iron in front of 3000 witnesses “  but then finish it off by adding “ on the surface of it this does look bad  but Di- Charlesworth Smyth (who does not know the Senator  or the cat and  who was 7 suburbs away at the time ) has revealed  that there are very credible  rumours  going around that both the Senator and the cat were under the influence of powerful psychotropic drugs secretly administered by a right wing extremist fascist homophobic middle aged white male .”

I heard a beauty from them the other day on the radio . Someone  they did not like was being interviewed . He gave his point of view then the interviewer made a statement posed as a question of course contradicting what the guy had said and then the interview was halted right there without us hearing the man’s reply . Either the ABC did not like it or else the interviewer’s  final statement was never part of the original interview anyway.

I guess they are getting a bit desperate as more and more of their heroes and heroines are turning out to have feet of clay (or same colour but smellier)  .The halcyon days  when ABC hosts could and did gush about “our Julia” must seem very long ago -  Joan Kirner, Carmen Lawrence , Kristina Keneally  and just recently Anna Bligh have so ingloriously bitten the dust and Bob Brown is in the process of doing a runner.  For their sake let’s hope  Lara Giddings, Tasmania’s premier are broad enough to carry the load for them. Somehow  I doubt it.

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