My Stream It's what I'm up to...

Who's demented

It is staggering isn't it ? A few weeks ago we hear how Julia and co are going to borrow a billion dollars to help bailout the Mediterranian PIGS who are in a mess through their own malfeasance. Laziness,greed, corruption ,selfishness,arrogance and indifference to name but a few of their failings. 

Then a few days ago we hear  that we have a massive problem now and set to worsen because our government won't cough up half that amount to help make life for our own elderly suffing from dementia, tolerable.

Presumably because there is a culture in the Gillard Goverment is that no price is too high ,as long as the taxpayer foots the bill, for them to have the opportunity to big note themselves on the world stage.  

This is not a problem for the politicians themselves of course , not that many won't face dementia themselves - many of them are halfway there now- but because they have granted themselves outrageously generous pensions for when they get old. Come to think of it perhaps this is why they feel such a strong bond with the Greeks whose own ridicuously generous pension schemes are a good part of the problem


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