My Stream It's what I'm up to...

We need a new category "P.C. Darling of The Year"

so then "Australian of The Year" could revert to being someone most Australian could admire -like the Ebola nurse or the burns doctor this year.

I can hardly wait to find out

which neurotic,bigoted ,activist,simpleton, the Australian of The Year Committee will bless us with this year know to inspire and unify the nation.


Hey .. I enjoy an good burger but I would not queue for hours for one hand made by a naked Miss Universe and blessed by the Virgin Mary.

I thought El Nino particularly a severe one as the current one was named

was meant to bring unrelenting heat and drought to NSW -what did I miss?

Royal Commission a "witch hunt " eh?

If as Labor says the Royal Commission was "witch hunt" they sure hunted down plenty of witches .

Why bother changing government ?

If we had wanted to waste billions of taxpayers money on one absurd feel good project after another we didn't need Turnbull we could have just stuck with Labor .

No shades of grey for modern journos -let alone 50

There is just no grey area for press journos is there ? Something said is either a "perfect putdown " or a "vile rant " depending largely not on what is said but who said it.

I hear the CEO of the NRL has taken an early shower

despite still being on the payroll . Luckily he won't be missed.

If American teenagers are anything like as revolting to each other as is portrayed in movies

then these mass shootings are hardly surprising . Saner smarter cultures would take these events as a wakeup call to teach children be nicer to one another rather than just the usual bleating about the need for more gun control

In another 12 months a Sydney driver using their indicators will be a novelty

. Many use their horn more than their indicators these days .