My Stream It's what I'm up to...

Man turns gay after serious head injury

I heard there is a story going around about a man who woke up after a serious head injury to discover he was now gay - I guess they are not talking about Molly Meldrum here.

Serious head injuries can have profound effects , Somewhere between relative normalcy and leaving you a gibbering idiot but closer to the latter I'm guessing , is finding God . Bob Dylan was so affected but eventually got better and lost Him again.

I wonder if all  homosexuality is the result of head injury  perhaps sometimes the result of an inept forceps delivery caused by the gynaecologist being late for golf. Look the jury is still out on this one but we may be on to something here and it would certainly be rash to dismiss this theory out of hand . I wonder should I ring into Alan Jones's show and get his take on this.

"The Voice" more like everything but the voice

I tried ,God knows I tried, to watch this nonsense in the hope of hearing  some nice singing but 10 minutes was too much for me . All the hoopla and hooey  and grandstanding by the judges brought me very close to bringing up my dinner . I am sure much is faked anyway and they know whether they are listening to a cutie or "someone less blessed in the looks department " -how diplomatic was that eh? 

To think that 4 million Australians got sucked into watching this for an extended period is horrifying . I am still waiting for my time in a reality show to come . They are scraping the bottom right out of the barrel now -"Old men doing poo"  can not be far away  . I have submitted the outline to several channels and am just sitting by the phone. .

Nigeria -I wonder is there anyone from there who is not crook?

What is it about Nigeria that produces so many crooks ? It seems to me many countries are famous for producing people of a certain type -  Ethopia and Kenya -long distance runners, The Caribbean countries- sprinters, Wales -singers, Brazil -beautiful sexy women, Thailand -beautiful sexy women , The Philippines- beautiful sexy women . But I sense I am getting a little bogged down here. Somali-pirates , Ireland -poets and writers , France -beautiful sexy women . Oh dear here I go again . America -ace bull artisits, Australia -salt of the earth,God's gift to women blokes  etc etc .

But Nigeria just seems to produce crooks, some violent bandit types with or without a supposed religious agenda to justify their actions , some simply con artists who flood the internet with offers too outrageous for all but the most greedy and stupid to fall for, or less flamboyant offers to buy your ebay items with dud credit cards.  The former group of con artists  are certainly flattering . Fancy Crown Prince Abu Baloo wanting to share half his vast worldy wealth with a nobody like me in exchange for the use of my bank account a trifling few  thousand dollars in administration fees. 

So the question which comes to my mind from time to time is are there any honest people living in Nigeria and if so how could they possibly survive in such a murky swamp full of predators? 

So much for celebrating Bob Brown's demise

Enough with the celebrating of Bob Brown's departure . While he  has been relentless  in his efforts to undermine the financial success of Australia and Australians it looks as though we have gone from bad to worse with Christine Milne now in charge . From her intial remarks/spray of insults ,  he looks like a puppy now to her wolverine.  

Kim Jong-un the man Mensa overlooked

Look I know very few of our politicians are Mensa candidates but spare a thought for the poor old North Koreans and the leader they have to put up with.  Sure we have to put up with boofhead after boofhead especially those who have come up through the ranks of the union movement. On the othe side of the fence there are those who got their seat because dad regularly kicks the can for the party or through sheer persistence and tolerance of  excruciating party meetings. For all that  we have never had anyone who looks as dirt dumb as the new Kim -and he is the top banana . I have seen smarter looking and more charismatic turnips than this chap and he is supposed to be leading a country in the direst situation . 

Bob Brown announces his retirement on Friday the 13th

I have always found Friday 13th to be pretty good days and today is no exception especially as Bob Brown has chosen today to announce his resignation .The  only question is why now ? 

It could be he feels after the carbon tax, with all its disastrous consequences  has been implemented like the Lone Ranger "My work is done here" or that he knows the Greens will be slaughtered in the next election and if he bails out now he can escape blame or perhaps   and this is my favourite and  fervent hope , it is for health reasons. 


They are heading in the wrong direction for MY lovin' and affection.

One Direction Given they don't play instruments or even dance in sync I would have thought "One Dimension" would be more apt.

Maybe that was the original idea but it turned out they can't spell either.  

Newton's Third Law of Motion

Not quite as quick on the uptake as his namesake Isaac , Matt is having trouble coming to grips with  Newton's third law -"For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction " If you bash people, girlfriends,taxi drivers etc etc  -the police  will arrest you. If you say "F#$k you" to the American Police -they will arrest you . If you carry on like an idiot - the press will report it and it will embarrass your long suffering parents yet again- that sort of thing. 

Anyway at least he thinks being Australian counts for something, as do I even if our reputation overseas is continually being trashed by the actions of our "powers that be" .


Once you have them by the balls.........

The theory is "Once you have them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow "  however  in the heat of the moment Christina may not have realised this is mostly intended as a metaphor.

Who's demented

It is staggering isn't it ? A few weeks ago we hear how Julia and co are going to borrow a billion dollars to help bailout the Mediterranian PIGS who are in a mess through their own malfeasance. Laziness,greed, corruption ,selfishness,arrogance and indifference to name but a few of their failings. 

Then a few days ago we hear  that we have a massive problem now and set to worsen because our government won't cough up half that amount to help make life for our own elderly suffing from dementia, tolerable.

Presumably because there is a culture in the Gillard Goverment is that no price is too high ,as long as the taxpayer foots the bill, for them to have the opportunity to big note themselves on the world stage.  

This is not a problem for the politicians themselves of course , not that many won't face dementia themselves - many of them are halfway there now- but because they have granted themselves outrageously generous pensions for when they get old. Come to think of it perhaps this is why they feel such a strong bond with the Greeks whose own ridicuously generous pension schemes are a good part of the problem