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Little wonder really that Europe is circling the drain

When you look at the two election results in Europe it is little wonder they are in dire straits over there. 

Profligate Greece continues on its merry way oblivious apparently to the fact  that their country is well and truly broke and  terribly indebted, and has just voted in parties who will reject the austerity campaign necessary for its long suffering lenders to keep on propping it up. It is well on its way to being the first new Third World country .

And then there is France . Obviously what happens in Australia ,despite our leaders poncing around on what they think is the world stage , is of no interest to the French at least and almost certainly Europe in general . Because if ever there was a prime example of the   destructive influence on the economy of a Socialist government it has been here in Australia . Our Labor goverment came to power with our economy in a relatively healthy state and they have still managed to do enormous, probably terminal,  damage in the time they have been in . France on the other hand is already in serious trouble due to debt and yet they have now voted in a similar government who can only lead them deeper into the woods with the excessive spending which is the way of all socialist governments . No wonder the stock markets are now back in rapid decline - investers can see the writing on the wall even if the French and Greek electorates are too stupid or arrogant  to notice. Probably both I suspect.

Maybe in both countries it is just a case of voting out the encumbent government when things are not going well however in doing so they have both managed to pour more oil on what is already a very slippery slope .

Nice kickback, Julia but what about a little earner for those of us without school age children?

Nice kickback,  Julia but what about a little earner for those of us without school age children?

As our children and their children are the ones who will have to try to pay off the debts run up by this government by the likes of that utter scoundrel Stephen Conroy and his ridiculous NBN I guess they will need all the help with their education they can get . 
Pity the bribe is with our own money -that takes some of the fun out of it. 
I suppose it is note quite as blatant as handing out money at the polling booth as they do in the some countries to anyone who will vote the way they want . They would probably do that too if they could come up with a system of checking how people voted . I have no doubt  they have thought about it .  
Still ,at least they have the immigration policy which probably ensures a Labor vote from most of the deadbeats we import from all around the world to be  Centrelink's customers for the rest of their pampered lives.  It is really long term nationwide branch stacking at taxpayer rather than Labor Party expense. 

I'd rather watch paint dry

Fancy Lara Bingle and Brynne Edelsten being the subject of reality TV shows . Are there really people out there in square eye land who would find either of these two vacuous selfabsorbed twits interesting enough to watch with their clothes on for more than 30 seconds? Even with their clothes off 30 seconds would be more than enough to satisfy my curiousity and to allow me to claim them as a "trophy perv" . Other than have sex on screen with multiple partners (perhaps even each other) what could they possibly do to entertain even the most undemanding audience , and as far as I know that is not yet considered suitable for general viewing ? Even then I doubt they could distract me from my latest James Patterson (and 17 co-writers)  novel for more than say 10 minutes- OK  12 at most and only if there is plenty of baby oil.

Same Sex Marriage

What is all the fuss about "same sex" marriage ? From what I hear, after the first hectic 6 months most married couples settle into   having pretty much the same sex  year after year after year.

SMH cracks the Slipper case wide open

The Police can stand down now . Thanks to the wonderful work of the forensic giants at the SMH the case has been cracked wide open and the real culprit is from guessed it the Liberal Party (Chris Pyne) . Now if they can just discover who from the same party was behind the theft of all that money from the Health Services Union then we can all relax and let the Gillard government get on with the great  job they are doing running the country and the Fairfax papers can get on with their   insightful and unbiased reporting of the failures of the Opposition.

The ABC's relentless efforts to promote the untruth.


I suppose you have to admire the relentless way the ABC promotes its party line. Aside from the obvious picking of the stories it chooses to report in the first place it uses all the tricks to give it the slant they want.

One of my favourites is the  line “There are calls for….”   without bothering to name who from let alone why they might know anything authoritative on the subject.

Another  classic of theirs is to report the story eg  “ Green’s Senator beats her cat to death with a tyre iron in front of 3000 witnesses “  but then finish it off by adding “ on the surface of it this does look bad  but Di- Charlesworth Smyth (who does not know the Senator  or the cat and  who was 7 suburbs away at the time ) has revealed  that there are very credible  rumours  going around that both the Senator and the cat were under the influence of powerful psychotropic drugs secretly administered by a right wing extremist fascist homophobic middle aged white male .”

I heard a beauty from them the other day on the radio . Someone  they did not like was being interviewed . He gave his point of view then the interviewer made a statement posed as a question of course contradicting what the guy had said and then the interview was halted right there without us hearing the man’s reply . Either the ABC did not like it or else the interviewer’s  final statement was never part of the original interview anyway.

I guess they are getting a bit desperate as more and more of their heroes and heroines are turning out to have feet of clay (or same colour but smellier)  .The halcyon days  when ABC hosts could and did gush about “our Julia” must seem very long ago -  Joan Kirner, Carmen Lawrence , Kristina Keneally  and just recently Anna Bligh have so ingloriously bitten the dust and Bob Brown is in the process of doing a runner.  For their sake let’s hope  Lara Giddings, Tasmania’s premier are broad enough to carry the load for them. Somehow  I doubt it.

Father Pete eh?

Let's just hope that all this trouble for Father Slipper with small minded folks going on and on about him rorting travel entitlements and being a serial sex pest are not distracting him from  the wonderful work he is no doubt doing as an Anglican Catholic Priest.

Another one of those "Interesting cultural differences" the multiculturalists refer to I suppose.

And just when you start thinking you have been around long enough to hear everything . 


Rupert Murdoch's reputation

Can you believe it ,Rupery Murdoch is trying to tell us this latest evidence about phone hacking by his staff have left him concerned it will be "a blot on his reputation" ? 

That would be like asking us to believe  Paris Hilton was suddenly fretting over her chastity . 

Exotic sex and chocolate

Mick and Marianne and Mars Bars , Clive and Leanne and Cherry Ripes , lets not linger over the Pollywaffle in the pool - Exotic sex and chocolate always make a very readable story . Maybe it is because we can relate to the chocolate anyway .