My Stream It's what I'm up to...

What is the point of US presidential elections?

The US is no longer a democracy. All those conventions and even the voting is just for show -to keep the peasants entertained and distracted while  they get thoroughly screwed over. 

America is now an oligarchy based in Wall Street not Washington. The GFC in 2008 and its disgusting aftermath has made it clear the bankers now make all important decisions and Obama has been just as happy to get into bed with them once the haggling over price has been sorted out as were his Republican successors .

Speaking of "hookers " I found out the origin of the term today and it is American. During the Civil War a General Joe Hooker had such a fondness for his army's camp followers they became known as "Hooker's girls"   and eventually just "hookers. " 

Sadly democracy is looking more and more like a passing stage. Its birthplace Greece has been reduced to a country of irresponsible selfish bludgers and crooks ,to mean and dishonest to pay their way  and perfectly happy to burden future generations with the tab for thier hijinks . Meanwhile the US once the finest example of democracy in action is well on its way to financial collapse and perhaps even revolution as a result of the limitless greed of the bankers who make the Russian oligarchs look like petty criminals in comparison and the craven cowardice of those elected to protect the powerless. 

What has Labor got against workers?

It  is amazing isn't it, Labor is apparently perfectly OK with the 19000 illegals since its time in office including 1000 in the last month alone who will mostly remain permanent welfare recipients but are deeply offended by the idea of  1700 overseas workers Ms Rinehart will be able to call on  if she can not fill some jobs with Australian workers.  

So henious is this idea that Ms Gillard was perpared to lie to us yet again about not knowing of the deal and feign outrage in order to curry favour with the timesome AWU .   

UN doing what it does best

Once again the UN is doing what it does best -no I don't mean telling us how we should fill the country up with more malcontent illegal immigrants or how badly off the aborigines are under our tyrannical white government - I mean standing around uselessly while this time Syrians slaughter each other. Or perhaps more accurately sitting around on their pretty blue flakjackets protecting the part of their anatomy they value the most .

Looks like Grant Hackett is now the media designated "badboy"

He just better hope Mel says something vaguely anti-semetic or Russ's phone drops out or some other prominant , attractive white male  trips up and takes the spotlight off him. 

What has our government got against Mexicans?

What's wrong with Mexicans ? This and previous federal governments have scoured the globe looking for violent criminals to offer sanctuary to to come and live in Australia . They have taken malcontents and criminals from all over  the Middle East , from Africa, from Eastern Europe from the Pacific Islands   and cheerfully provided them with the Centrelink safety net until they can become fully operational here and even afterwards so they can show a visible source of income . 

However why do they continue to neglect Mexico who clearly have some of the most brutal criminals in the world in their drug trade ?

Where are the maraichi muggers, the sombrero hatted car jackers, the hispanic home invaders, the Mayan Monsters bikie chapters?  Nowhere to be seen I say !! In fact there seems to be a real dearth of South American gangsters here generally which surely    is discrimination of the most henious  kind. I am surprised and of course hugely disappointed there is  not a devout band of activist lawyers pushing for their right to reek havoc in good old Downunder too. Come to think of it why have the UN or Amnesty or PETA  not been demanding change on this very matter?  Where are the Angelina Jolies and the George Clooneys ?

Surely there is a turf in south western Sydney and of couse in our hearts for a few Hispanic Homeboys as well ...surely.   


Forget BullyCheck what we need is RealityCheck

It seems BullyCheck is now the latest buzz word for the PC clowns NSW Liberals included.

The story is that NSW clubs want to be able to find out if prospective employees have ever been discribed as bullies at school and if so not employ them .

Just what are these people on? 

For starters if applied 10 minutes later the lawsuits would start based on loss of earnings from those denied jobs on this basis .

Secondly there is the general issue of the definition of 'bullying" be so wide as to include any activity less enthusiastic than astanding ovation every time the "victim" walks into a room .

Thirdly there is the general practice in the legal system that childhood indescretions are kept secret because they are considered just that -childhood indescretions.

The only legimate use for this check would be for prospective   lawyers , politicians,journalists and of course union officials  where skill and practice at bullying iare  vital ingredients for success . 

Pull my other leg Barry ,it whistles

Are your excuses for scapping rego stickers a test to see just how gullible the electorate is? Because they are so unlikely and outlandish they would make a union rorter blush.

To make the NSW more tourist friendly ? To stop hire cars being off the road fo 1/2 a day ? 

Now I realize politicians with their hire cars and their lackeys probably don't have to change rego stickers for themselves or they would have noticed with the new style of stickers it is barely a two minute job but it is still about as likely as someone else buying hookers on Craig's card.

I don't know the real reasons . Are they getting too easy to copy and fake with modern colour printers and you don't want the word getting around are further? Are you trying to catch people out driving out of rego cars for the fines?  Are you setting up a high priced register where we have to pay to find out when rego is due on a car we wish to buy ?

It is all so bizarre . Has May the 24th become the the new April Fools Day ? Are the NSW government and the RTA all on crack? 

Does $29.17 billion keep you warm at night ?

It's official Gina Rinehart is now richer than God . Sure she strated with plenty thanks to being Lang Hancock's heiress but she has very astutely turned that into far more especially in the last year or so .

However I can not help but wonder how much of that she would readily surrender if it would allow her to regain her children's  affection  or even a partner who she could feel confident loved her for herself rather than her money . 

I wonder too if given the choice she would trade places with Miranda Kerr. 

Bob Carr's evil twin brother.

It seems The Press is determined to portray our new Foreign Minister Bob Carr as some sort of Labor superhero .

If it is true then the cowardly, creep who ran the most incompetent corrupt goverment in NSW history  allowing the likes  of Eddie O'beid and Ian Macdonald and Joe Tripode and the rest of the outrageous crooks  to prosper for so many years while NSW declined in riches and morality , then slunk away into the night to avoid having to face an election , must have been his evil identical twin brother ah.....Bob.

Andrew Wilkie sells his shop soiled soul to the devil again.

As is only fair ,it seems to have been heavily discounted this time around.