My Stream It's what I'm up to...

And these are the people The Greens want us to welcome with open arms .

At least for Christians ,adultery is only one of 10 misdemeanors and applies equally to men as well as women.

For the Muslims it seems to be the root of all evil (if you'll pardon the pun) and justifies whatever brutality keeps the crowd entertained. 

Repulsive enough behaviour in a distant country let alone it happening here as it sometimes does under the disgraceful title of "honour killing".

When the intervention strategy is clearly failing why don't we just simply withdraw ....

I say pull out now and leave them to their own devices - Iraq, Afghanistan, and South Western Sydney  

It would appear the Catholic hierarchy still hasn't come to grips with the idea that pedophilia should no longer be seen

Oh well maybe one day ......



Given most of the Middle Eastern boat people seem now to be scammers how about we return the favor

I just noticed how close Christmas Island is to Indonesia and how far it is from mainland Australia . So how about we reintroduce the Nauru solution but only leave say 2 bureaucrats on the island to do the processing at their leisure -step 1.

Step 2 is the zinger let's up the ante on the boat trip by relinquishing control of Christmas Island for  ten years by leasing it to the Indonesians for say $1 a year.

Step 3 Take away the breakdown service being run by the navy

That way the boat people know they have to make it all the way to Australia instead of just somewhere within cooee of Christmas Island  to be in the running .

The way it is going now they will soon  be ringing up from the dock in Indonesia saying "The motor wont start can you come and pick us up?"

The time for inaction is now !!!! -sort of thing. 

Coroner Judge Olle thinks co-sleeping is inherently dangerous

I wonder what Judge Olle knows that millions of Asians who have been co-sleeping with new born infants for thousands of years dont?

Not much I fear !!

Nowhere near enough "Cs" in the ACCC to describe its behaviour in relation to Coles and Woolworths

There are nowhere near enough "Cs" in the ACCC to describe its behaviour in relation to Coles and Woolworths. 

There are   complacent    craven     complicit  cowering   conniving  and possibly even corrupt  just to name a few. 

On their own website they claim     "The ACCC promotes competition and fair trade in the market place to benefit consumers, businesses and the community." which could not be further from the truth in relation to these  two coporate thugs. 

Like so many bureaucrats they are happy to take the taxpayers shilling then go AWL   at the first sign of trouble.

Whistleblowers don't like whistleblowers either

Everyone has gone very quiet about the referees bad calls which virtually won the Maroons the State of Origin series- especially Justin Hodges being allowed to run behind a decoy runner who shepherded  for him so he could score.

So it means everyone has been told to shut up about it because whistleblowers don't like criticism from whistleblowers no matter how wrong they get it . 

Love is not the only thing money can not buy

Clearly we need to add decent NRL referees to the list .

Following up from the Greg Inglis fumbled "try " in the first game  the refereeing was  just hopeless  again in the Third State of Origin game -which cost the Blues the game and the series.

Justin Hodges "try" was the worst decision  I have seen in along time .  

Precious little carbon tax pain for our MPs

I see our federal MPs have managed to avoid the worst of the carbon tax pain by awarding themselves $5000 worth of cream for last year's $40000 cake. 

The worthless wretches  are just like CEOs -the worse the job they are doing the more money they feel entitled to. 

Knocking over mascots is way beyond normal French arrogance

Rather I would put it down to his obvious Arab heritage . Knocking around mascots is probably just one of those "interesting cultural differences"  as the latte lapping multiculturalists are wont to say to excuse atrocious behaviour by "internationals" . He was no doubt encouraged by noticing it was women . Maybe she should count herself lucky for his not having stoned her for being inappropriately attired. 
I do like the word "internationals" don't you? It is an excellent substitute for "ethnics" which has become somewhat sullied. Rather like our servile press using the term "law maker" to replace the very tarnished "politician"   .