My Stream It's what I'm up to...

The media putting the boot into Gina Rinehart

It is of course no surpise to have the ABC and its camp followers attacking Gina Rinehart -anyone high profile who is not a comrade or a greenie or homosexual is fair game to them . I am sure it is compulsory under  their unofficial charter.

However for Fairfax editors and journalists to do the same to a senior share holder shows just how selfindulgent, self-absorbed and frankly delusional they are.

Senator Mary Jo Fisher quits parliament for the sake of her health

Look I think this is a good move on her part . Shoplifting is such petty crime . If she can't step up to the mark and match it with the big boys -organising multi million dollar slush funds, and jobs for mates , and multiple superannuation benefits, and maxing out all her allowances and then rorting a few more for good measure then she is really not doing the job we have come to expect of our politicians. 

Time to retire hurt before she becomes an embarrassment . Just two shoplifting charges - phooey!!

Hunting now allowed in national parks

So when does greenie season open?

I do hope there is an adequate bag limit to make it worthwhile. 

Can't imagine why it shouldn't be a generous one -they are far from breing an endangered species and they are certainly feral. 

How far can you go on a litre of petrol?

Heaven maybe.


No presumption of innocence for Assange from our government apparently

Our government can not do enough to help the likes of Craig Thomson and Peter Slipper on the basis of the presumption of innocence they are constantly baying about however they wont lift a finger to help Julian Assange who is clearly being railroaded by the Swedes and the British to appease a vengeful US. 

I have seen hungry ferrets with a better moral compass than the ALP.

Why is people smuggling a crime?

The advocates for the boat people (and the government ) keep telling us it is quite legal for the boat people to try to come here without permission or papers so why is bringing them here a crime? 

Stephen Conroy on trashing the Fairfax brand- that is really rich .

Only an utter scoundrel with the hide of a rhinoceros like Stephen Conroy would have the affrontery to caution Gina Rinehart about trashing the Fairfax brand .

The Fairfax brand has already completely and utterly trashed because of its shameless policy of constantly promoting and defending the likes of Stephen Conroy and his Labor and Green colleagues  . That is precisely why its shareprice has fallen 90% .

There has been no "perfect storm" as the fairfax board would like us to believe just a company run by and employing perfect fools constantly spruiking for perfect ratbags and denouncing their critics instead of making a effort to fairly report the news .


2012 Olympics have started already

The 2012 Olympics are apparently already under way with committee officials from most countries competing to see who can make the most money scalping  their free tickets.

Julia Gillard offers unsolicited advice to the EU...again

Of course this is not just another Ms Gillard aberration .

It is very common for the grossly incompetent to be the most free with unsolicited  for others. It is their arrogance and lack of understanding how poor their own performance actually is compared to others that underlies this very incompetence 

Rodney King -the great educator- drowns

He taught us first and foremost -If you are going to play up watch out for those wretched CCTV cameras .

He he also taught us -don't open a business in South Central LA without proper riot insurance .

Oh well at least as they say he died doing what he liked best- boozing and getting ripped. 

I wonder how many of the like of Jessie Jackson who made so much of his being assaulted and so little of those ruined or hurt or killed during the subsequent black rioting and looting will make it to the funeral -  my guess would be ....about......none?