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The Newscorp vendetta against Grant Hackett continues.

The Newscorp vendetta against Grant Hacket continues unabated despite the overwhelming response to these articles when feedback is sought is "why don't you leave the poor chap alone?It is nobody's  business but his and his family's"

This article on Stillnox is of course just another sideswipe at him .

I would love to know why . Does is wife's family have friends at court ? Is she sleeping with someone high up in the organisation? Is he sleeping with someone's wife high up in the organisation ? 

I guess the truth will out one day .It usually does . I will just have to be patient  I suppose. Unless you know. 

To the Greens the carbon tax is a righteous blow against capitalism in Australia but ..

To the Greens the carbon tax is a righteous blow against capitalism in Australia but to Labor it is just another slush fund . Money it can use to try to bribe voters into voting for them . It is socialism pure and simple.


Corruption now the business model for UK banks like their US counterparts


It is probably on the syllabus at Harvard Business School nowdays
Very sobering reading from the excellent Matt Taibbi .
They make the Russian oligarchs look like Nancy boys. 

Why would the Greens vote to stem the flood of Middle Eastern Opportunists coming here by boat?

This influx of people not remotely interested in preserving our culture or enriching our country in any way are ,like the carbon tax , an important part of the the Green's strategy to ruin this country . 

Best I can tell every policy they endorse is designed to be detrimental to the welfare of Australia as we know it.  

We should be shipping Greens out in leaky boats not welcoming antisocial opportunists coming in on them.

Honour killing abhorrent says judge

Like most Australians I could not agree more .
So why are we filling the country up with people who think it is God's will to behave in such a completely barbaric way? 
The Greens for example reckon we can't get enough of them .

Puppy eater -is it fair to blame the synthetic marijuana ?

Is it really fair to blame this on the synthetic dope . From the look of him I reckon this bloke would eat puppies straight and sober.

Maybe it was the dope -leading to  a really severe case of the "munchies" 

Badly named too instead of K-2 it should be called K-9

More Aboriginal children put into care now than during 'Stolen Generations'

"There are now more than 4,500 Aboriginal children in state care in New South Wales (NSW), compared to 1,000 in foster homes, institutions and church-run missions in the state when the forced removals policy ended in 1969."

And this is from a very pro-aboriginal rights site not the KKK .

To me anyway it reinforces my opinion that "The Stolen Generation" is nothing but an effort by aboriginal activists to play on white guilt to gain sympathy and most important ,money. In 99% of cases it was as it  is today these poor neglected kids being rescued not stolen.

This is simply  another very destructive move from the aboriginal industry which only serves to make aboriginees feel like victims undermining their ability to stand on their own two feet and do their best to make their way in this world.  



Fairfax editors resigning -don't bother looking for principles in this

Don't look for principles here this would simply be opportunistic staff hitting the silk early to try to line up any new jobs and to ensure they can put "resigned" which looks so much better than "dumped" on their resume. 

Don't stand near an exit when the stampede really starts .

Public opinion of compensation lawyers

I really did not think it possible for the reputation of compensation lawyers to get any worse but Russell Keddies latest antics have managed to bring it down"to a whole new level" as the Americans like to say. 

He steal from his clients through overcharging for years then when about to be defrocked he resigns as a lawyer and hands his assets over to his wife and goes bankrupt in order  to avoid them being taken from him.

Not much chance of that anyway I'm guessing because it would require the help of an honest diligent compensation lawyer from another  firm . Good luck with that as they say. I noticed Slater and Gordon swallowed up what was left of Keddies including making one member a full partner with no trace of indigestion .

Neither does the governmant seem interested in relieving him of the proceeds of crime as they do with drug dealers in a flash . Must be some sort of honour, or at least professional courtesy, among thieves. 

Murdoch press sinking the slipper into Grant Hackett.

I understand the motive behind the ill-advised  and self indulgent vendetta against Gina Rinehart by Fairfax employees but the reason for the one against Grant Hackett by the Murdoch escapes me . 

They could not resist the unflattering photo (which substitutes  for reasoned analysis or arguement as journalism these days ) too I noticed .

Did he turn them down on a job offer ?  Does his tough litte cookie wife have friends at court? I feel sure there is a reason,  rather than just for a bit of malicious fun, which has of course nothing to do with the public interest, and I would quite like to know what it is ?

Any ideas?