My Stream It's what I'm up to...

Fairfax broadsheets to go

Looks like someone at Faifax has finally noticed their shareprice has tanked 90% and they are making some changes like getting rid of the broadsheet format  ( The Age and the Sydney Morning Herald) and making them tabloids and going more digital.

 Amazing isn't it ,for everyone else it stands out like a baby bump on an anorexic model that Fairfax's problem is their content not their format ? 

They are circling the drain now and I'd reckon they will be past the "S" bend before the agenda driven clowns in the organisation work it out for themselves.

They wont get more  people to read their biased hooey by putting in it tabloid form  let alone paying for it in digital format.

A much better look from the ALP

That is the way to do it . Leave the high profile headkicking on behalf of Slippery Pete to Mr Albanese and let the Attorney General , Ms Roxon get on with just  the more covert perverting of the course of justice. 

She has plenty of irons in the fire already at the moment what with hiding the rest of MP's rorting from public scrutiny  and working out how to remove any last vestige of privacy the rest of us have. Plus of course redefining domestic violence as anything men do which is even mildly annoying to their partner. 

Woolworths really selling the sizzle now

It is from the sausage roll this time not the sausage but even so I dont think Woolworths next push to convince angry Australian customers that they have changed their ways and are now supporting Australian producers will work if the best they can do is give us more of a look at bread being baked and meat being cut . 

I think we always assumed the bread was local ( not that they wouldn't import it if it was practical and most of the ingredients probably are) .

It is all the rest of the processed food and fruit and veges that mostly now comes from overseas that annoys us. 

Even the smoke and mirrors Woolies are using for this latest stunt probably come from overseas too.

The passionate defense of the likes of Peter Slipper is probably not a good look for an Attorney General

And it smacks just a tad of trying to influence the court , Nicola . Might be better to leave that to another ALP headkicker .

Mr Albanese for example who  is always happy to to defend the indefensible in the interests of the party. 

17/6/12 update 

Geez they must have been reading my blog - Mr Albanese has just taken over the running

Uh Oh ...Tim Flannery is out of remission

And pontificating about mercury in fillings and dingoes and crocs and sharks and sailing ships and sealing wax -pretty much anything but the weather really .

I wonder what time GetUp do get up -not much before noon I'll bet.

I reckon they would be mostly young welfare dependent lay abouts and noon sounds about right to me.

Their loudmouthed , know-it-all, arrogance would be a bit less tedious if they just new something about anything. 

Why are our Olympic swimmers in hot water for posing with guns?

Maybe this is a demarcation issue with our Olympic shooters who themselves can't pose in their cossies?  

But seriously folks I understand the cretins in the media, themselves posing as journalists, looking to make something out of nothing but for our Olympic officials to react is cringeworthy and nothing short of pathetic.

What chance do  we have in Olympic competition when we have a Methodist spinster's afternoon tea party leading the charge?

And what sort of a effete  nation have we become where pictures of men holding guns is  a trigger  for outrage from The Sisters and their male camp followers ?

When Vladimir Putin is pictured holding a gun his popularity soars and half the female population of Russia swoon dead away. 

Bring on the revolution !! 


Today Tonight's call girl now says she had got her dates confused.

Simple enough mistake to make she probably had him confused with the boss of a completely different union altogether.


Say what you will about the "refugees" who become people smugglers ....

They are probably the only ones who really come here to work and not just live off welfare for the rest of their lives. 

The illegal's boat trip caper is really better than Lotto.

Sure the stakes are higher but (usually borrowed anyway). The odds are terrific, must be at least 90% chance of success  and the prize is the same -never having to work again for the rest of your life.